現在是11月了, 疫情未退返升。幸好現代科技讓我們可以在家中,參與各式各樣的活動。透過畫襌繞畫,可以清清腦根,安靜下來。可以一個人靜靜的畫,也可以和朋友或家人一起畫,可以聊聊近況,獨個兒在家中,聽聽音樂,一杯咖啡或一杯茶,只需一張紙一支筆,時間便悄悄地溜走。我是用Sharpie Black Ultra Fine Point Permanent Marker的。
今天剛好是Remembrance Day, 讓我們認識一下歷史,同時向軍人致敬。
During the Pandemic, everyone is spending more time at home. There are many different things you can do while staying at home. This morning, we did doodling together. You can do it with your friends and family, or do it on your own with a cup of tea while putting some music on. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper. That's it! You can spend an hour at home just doodling. This morning, we drew a butterfly. Look at our butterflies, they are so lovely!